Student Awards & Scholarships

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To provide financial support for Geology or Earth Science graduate students (MSc. or PhD candidates) who are pursuing a thesis-based degree with a dissertation in a field of Earth Science in areas related to the discovery, delineation or recovery of oil and gas resources.  Four scholarships are available at $2,500 each.

For additional information, please contact:
Andre Chow ([email protected]) – CEGA Regional Graduate Student Scholarship Representative

Four (4) awards in the amount of $2500 each which will be awarded across Canada with three MSc. awards defined by regions and a Ph.D award not defined by region. The three MSc. regions are defined as follows:
1. Atlantic and Quebec Universities
2. Ontario Universities
3. Western Universities

Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Regional Graduate Student Scholarships. Deadline for Applications is February 10th.

Regional Graduate Student Scholarship Application Form 
Click here to download the full Regional Graduate Student Scholarship information.

2023 Recipient

PhD: Byong-Suk Chun (Queen's University)
Thesis Title:  Delta Distributary Channel Dynamics in Response to the Sea Level Change:  a Laboratory Study

2022 Recipients

PhD: Maziyar Nazemi (Simon Fraser University)
Thesis Title: 
3-D Reconstruction of the Georgia Basin and Potential for Carbon Sequestration in the Lower Mainland B.C.

MSc: Nicole Virginillo (University of Calgary)
Thesis Title: The Relationship Between Hydraulic Fracture Injection Properties and Facies in the Montney To Predict Faulting and Induced Seismicity

This scholarship is sponsored by:


2021 Recipients
Eastern Region:
PhD: Carla Skinner (Dickson) (Dalhousie University)
Thesis Title: 
Geothermal Energy in Salt-Rooted Basins: the Road to Carbon Neutrality; supervised by Grant Wach, Adam Donaldson and Tom Martel

MSc: Fredrick Nwasike (Queen's University)
Thesis Title: Influence of Submarine Channel Sinuosity and Length on Grain-Size Sorting of Submarine Fan Deposit; supervised by Elisabeth Steel

Western Region:
PhD: Brendan Bishop (University of Regina)
Thesis Title: Rare Earth Element Potential of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin; supervised by Leslie Robbins

MSc: Andrea Sanlorenzo (University of British Columbia)
Thesis Title: Petrophysics, Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Storage Potential of the Montney Formation with Associated Enhanced Oil Recovery Potential.  

2020 Recipients
Eastern Region:
Emily Johns-Buss (Memorial University). 
Thesis Title:
Detrital Zircon double-dating of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Reservoir Sandstones, using U-Pb Geochronology and Fission-Track Thermochronology in the Jeanne d-Arc Basin, Offshore Newfoundland

Western Region:
Samantha Mackie (University of Calgary). 
Thesis Title: Structure and Stratigraphy of the Montney Formation and its Relationship to H2S in NE British Columbia, Canada

Scott Melnyk (University of Alberta)
Thesis Title:  Ichnology:Linking Bioturbation to Sedimentary Processes

2019 Recipients

Ontario Region:
Charlotte Stone (Laurentian University – Supervisor: Elizabeth Turner). 
Thesis Title: Dynamics of mid-Neoproterozoic Marine Systems Leading to Rodinia Dispersal, Mackenzie Mountains, NWT

Western Region:
Fernando Valencia (University of Saskatchewan– Supervisors: Luis Buatois, Gabriella Mangano & Juan Carlos Laya (Texas A&M)). 
Thesis Title: Bioturbation and it's Effects on Porosity and Permeability in the Cretaceous Buda Limestone, South-Central and Western Texas

Celeste Cunningham (University of Ottawa – Supervisors: Bill Arnott)

Thesis Title: Distribution and Abundance of Organic Matter in Deep Marine Levee Deposits of the Neoproterozoic Windemere Supergroup and Implications for Hydrocarbon Source and Reservoir Potential

2018 Recipients
Ontario Region: 
Malcolm MacDougall (Queen's University – Supervisors: Alexander Braun and Georgia Fotopoulos). 
Thesis Title: 
Differential glacial isostatic adjustment across the Grand Banks and the impact on hydrocarbon migration

Western Region: 
Skye Lybbert (University of  Alberta – Supervisors: Murray Gingras & Clayton Deutsch). 
Thesis Title: Geological and geostatistical analysis of the lean zones of the Cretaceous Mannville at Long Lake Alberta, Canada

Open Region: 
Dane Synnott (University of  Calgary – Supervisors: Per Kent Pedersen & Keith Dewing)
Thesis Title: 
Organic matter evolution from diagenesis to catagenesis and implications for hydrocarbon resource potential and the carbon cycle

2017 Recipients
Quebec-Atlantic Region: 
Alex Hutter (Memorial University – Supervisor: Prof Luke Beranek). Thesis Title: Detrital Thermochronometry and Provenance of Jurassic and Cretaceous Reservoir Sandstones, Jeanne d'Arc, Grand Banks, Offshore Newfoundland.
Ontario Region: 
Tyler Billington (University of Ottawa – Supervisor: Prof. Bill Arnott). Thesis Title: Sedimentological and Petrological Characterization of the Ponded Turbidite Deposits, Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation, Windemere Supergroup, British Columbia, Canada.
Western Region: 
Celine Chow (University of Regina – Supervisor: Prof. Hairuo Qing). Sedimentology and Diagenesis with Respect to the Reservoir Development of the Mississippian Midale Beds in the Pinto-Roche Percee Area, Southeastern Saskatchewan.
Marco Venieri (University of Calgary – Supervisors Prof. Per Kent Pedersen & Prof. David Eaton). Influence of Fabric and Composition on Geomechanical Properties and Natural Fractures Characteristics in the Duvernay Unconventional Shale Gas Play in the Kaybob Area (Western-Central Alberta, Canada)

2016 Recipients
Atlantic and Quebec Region
Olivier Sulpis; ”Calcite Dissolution Kinetics at the Sediment-Water Interface in Natural Seawater”, supervised by Prof. Alfonso Mucci at McGill University

Ontario Region
Andrew Craig; “Heated Column Experiments: A Proxy for Investigating the Effect of In-Situ Thermal Recovery Processes on Groundwater Geochemistry”, supervised by Prof. Richard Amos at Carleton University
Western Region
Matthew Sommers, “Subsurface Analysis and Correlation of Cambrian Formations Beneath the Colville Hills, Northern Mainland Northwest Territories”, supervised by Prof. Murray Gingras at the University of Alberta and by Dr. Robert MacNaughton (GSC).
Open Region
Luc Chabanole, “Sedimentology, Ichnology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Devonian Prairie Evaporite Formation, Southern Saskatchewan”, supervised by Profs. Luis Buatois, Robin Renaut & Gabriela Mangano at University of Saskatchewan

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